Tax deduction for children Are tax deductions cumulative?

In the commented Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2017 No. 03-04-05/51063, employees of the financial department reminded how to calculate the amount of personal income tax deduction for a disabled child. In this letter they once again point out that the amount of the deduction depends on the

American model of market economy presentation

Type of economy The United States is characterized by a mixed type of economic system. Its distinctive features are: priority of market organization of the economy; multi-sectoral economy; public entrepreneurship is combined with private entrepreneurship with its full support

Pay slips in 1 from 8

The payslip is issued to the employees of the organization upon payment of wages. It contains complete information about all charges and deductions for the billing period. The sheet also shows the salary arrears to the employee at the beginning and to

Economic schools on state regulation of the economy The decisive role belongs to price regulation school

2 Economic schools on state regulation of the economy State regulation of the economy has a long history and dates back to the end of the Middle Ages. Attitudes towards government intervention in the economy at different stages of its development varied.

Protection of consumer rights of the Tomsk region

After winning the court and receiving the decision along with the writ of execution, it is necessary to somehow receive the awarded funds from the debtor. Ideally, he will pay the money voluntarily. But the opposite also happens, when a company has to

Clarifications from the Ministry of Finance: which payments are not recognized as HOA income on the simplified tax system

Many HOAs are switching to “simplified”. However, this does not solve a number of problems, and in some cases it may not even simplify, but complicate the life of an accountant. To help such partnerships, we offer a series of articles about the intricacies of using the simplified tax system in homeowners' associations. For starters

How long can you make noise in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation?

Most of us live in apartment buildings and have to put up with fairly poor sound insulation. Such audibility haunts loud music, noisy quarrels, and the sounds of repairs. But don’t rush to ruin relations with your neighbors by trying to explain your

Preparation for trade rituals

Spells will help you sell your apartment quickly and profitably. Find out what rituals exist for the successful sale of a home, which saint you need to pray to so as not to fall into the clutches of scammers and avoid problems. If you want to sell your property profitably

3 separate divisions

05/31/2018 17:59:55 1C:Servistrend ru Registration of a new division in the 1C: Accounting program 8.3 The “Divisions” directory is used in all sections of accounting, acts as analytics in many accounting and tax accounts and

How to find out transport tax by personal identification number of an individual

Today we have to figure out how to find out if the transport tax has been paid. Issues related to one degree or another with tax obligations worry the population quite often. Some people are complaining that they are not receiving tax notices