Accounting (financial) statements of Russian companies

USNO, UTII. To submit reports you need: Account + license + installation Account 500 500 License tariff Easy Format and logistics check (whether there are errors or not) sms, e-mail notification Primary subscriber Additional subscriber

Tax holidays for individual entrepreneurs

Members of the Government of the Russian Federation came up with tax holidays for individual entrepreneurs back in 2015. Experts developed the holidays as a targeted program to support small businesses during economic recovery after the financial crisis. Order No. 98-r dated January 27, 2015

Basic principles of lending Organization and basic principles of lending

To ensure timely repayment of the loan, creditors under the agreement accept collateral, surety, guarantee and obligations in other forms provided for by law. In some cases, a loan may be provided without collateral, so

How to approve redevelopment in an apartment Where you can arrange it yourself if the management company refuses

When buying a new apartment, people dream of getting the perfect home. In practice, the premises may not completely suit the owners. For this reason, people often think about changes. And the question often arises: where to coordinate the layout? To get an answer

Trends in changes in the country's EGP in recent years

Economic-geographical position (EGP) is the relationship of an object of a city, region, country to external objects that have one or another economic significance - it doesn’t matter whether these objects are of a natural order or created in the process of history (according to N.N. B

Finance as an economic category

FINANCIAL POLICY OF THE STATE (36 lecture hours) LECTURE 1. In modern practice, financial policy is interpreted in two ways: in a broad sense, it is a concept of relations, a system of principles for the protection and implementation of the interests of some subjects in opposition to

Analysis of the non-residential premises market and types of transactions with them

Modern Moscow is a huge metropolis that combines the functions of the economic, financial, political, cultural and administrative center of the Russian Federation. The city of Moscow is the largest owner of non-residential premises, located

We determine the composition of functional budgets. Functional budget of the enterprise.

Operating budgets As already noted, a corresponding budget is drawn up for each central federal district. The number of operating budgets cannot be more or less than the number of responsibility centers. The main task of drawing up operating budgets is planning

Organizational and economic characteristics of PJSC Sberbank

Sberbank is Russia's largest diversified financial institution, successfully developing commercial banking, investment and private banking businesses, as well as leasing and asset management. The principles of doing business for the corporation are efficient

How sick leave is paid in Belarus

documentsHow can I pay for sick leave issued in Belarus in Russia? “I work under an employment contract in Russia. I was visiting my parents and got a little sick. At the Belarusian clinic they gave me a sick leave, but at work they said that it would most likely not be paid for