Do banks work with maternity capital? Banks providing mortgages against capital. Conclusions: which bank to get a mortgage from?

11.09.2017 5190 0

Hello. In this article we will talk about what a mortgage for maternity capital is.

Today you will learn:

  1. What can you spend it on?
  2. How to get a mortgage correctly;
  3. Which bank's services are best to use?

What can you use maternity capital for?

State support for families in which a second child is born was launched in 2006. The essence of this program is that families are guaranteed to receive good financial assistance.

However, the funds received cannot be spent at your discretion. The state clearly stipulates where the money can be sent.

State support for the birth of a second child can be spent on:

  • Healthcare;
  • Child's education.

As practice shows, families use financial assistance from the state precisely to buy real estate. At the same time, it is not necessary to purchase an apartment entirely with your own savings, since you can take out a mortgage against maternity capital.

This banking product is very popular today. Thanks to a loan, you can improve your living conditions and purchase real estate without starting capital.

As for education and healthcare, these are less problematic areas. Moreover, if you can buy an apartment with the participation of a state certificate almost immediately, then you can pay for education only after the child finishes schooling.

It is also worth noting that many financial companies are ready to offer a mortgage using maternity capital on attractive terms and at a reduced interest rate. This is the only difference from a regular mortgage.

Unfortunately, before receiving money, young families will also need to collect a full package of documents, prove their solvency and undergo verification by the lender.

How can you use maternity capital in a mortgage?

If you carefully study the law, you will see that funds from the certificate can be spent three years after the birth of the child. However, there are exceptions to every rule.

This exception applies to the purchase of an apartment. It turns out that a young family can buy an apartment on credit, using a certificate.

There are two options for using the certificate:

  • To repay an existing loan;
  • To make a down payment when applying for a mortgage product.

As for repaying the existing loan, in this case the debt is paid exclusively under the mortgage agreement. It will not be possible to repay debt on consumer loans or loans from a microfinance company.

The limitation is due to the fact that in the financial services industry there may be many cases of fraud related to certificate cashing.

Unfortunately, many young families are looking for various ways to cash out a certificate and agree to various frauds, pursuing only one goal - to get money in their hands and use it at their own discretion, and not what the state has authorized.

But, it is better not to play with the law and use legal means. It is best to consider the option of purchasing an apartment in

You can design an apartment that is larger in area, or located in an improved area with developed infrastructure.

Many families purchase a home with a mortgage, which is an excellent solution. However, you should understand that you won’t be able to simply contact a financial institution and hand over a certificate to make a down payment.

Although government assistance was provided to you, you will not be able to use it without the permission of the pension fund.

Therefore, you will need to write an application to this organization and obtain written consent to carry out the transaction. Once the application is in hand, you can decide where to get a mortgage loan with the participation of a state certificate.

Step-by-step instructions for applying for a mortgage using maternity capital

Before you begin completing the transaction, it is worth considering that this is a complex and lengthy process that can last from 1 to 3 months. If the deadlines don’t scare you, we’ll tell you how to get a mortgage and get a new apartment with the help of government support for families.

Step 1. Selecting a financial company.

The first thing you need to do is to carefully study the offers on the financial services market and choose a financial company that offers conditions that suit you. Many institutions, such as Sovcombank, have good ratings and reviews, but do not have this product.

If, when choosing a consumer loan, you can immediately submit an application to several banks and wait for a decision, then in this case this will not work.

When choosing a lender, consider not only the overall rate, but also:

  • Company rating;
  • Availability of a license;
  • Customer reviews.

Since the mortgage loan is issued for a long term, you must have complete confidence in the lender. In practice, many banks leave the financial services market and transfer borrowers' debts to other financial companies.

Of course, nothing bad will happen, but the repayment terms may change not for the better for you. To prevent this from happening, you need to take your time choosing a lender and carefully study all the necessary information.

Step 2. Select a program.

In practice, there are several lending programs:

  • Purchasing an apartment;
  • or receiving funds for the construction of a private house;
  • Purchase of land.

Each program has its own conditions and requirements that should be carefully studied. It is also worth noting that not all financial companies are ready to lend money to build a house or buy land. Therefore, you will have to spend time and find a lender who agrees to help you.

Step 3. Preparing a package of documents.

You can submit an application only if you have all the necessary documents in your hands. It’s worth noting right away that this is not a consumer loan that can be obtained with just one passport. In this case, you will literally need to provide the creditor with your entire “inside” life.

Be prepared to provide:

  • Identity document;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Certificate for receiving government support;
  • Statement from the pension fund confirming the use of funds to purchase real estate;
  • Certificate of income: accepted both in the bank form and in the approved form 2-NDFL;
  • Purchase and sale agreement for the purchased property;
  • Documents for the purchased property: an extract from the house register, a certificate from the BTI and a technical passport of the premises;
  • Application for registration of shared ownership.

In practice, one of the spouses acts as a guarantor. In this case, the guarantor will also need to provide a passport and documents from work.

Be prepared for the fact that the lender will request additional documents and constantly call you and clarify the information they need.

As already mentioned, it is extremely difficult to take out a mortgage today, since the loan amount is quite large and lenders take risks by issuing money for a long period.

It is worth noting that borrowers can submit the necessary documents, wait for verification and only then choose an apartment. Documents are submitted immediately if an apartment is purchased in a new house or from friends.

The second option is relevant for those who:

  • Doubts whether the lender will approve the mortgage loan or not;
  • I have looked at several options and am waiting for the results of the inspection to make a decision;
  • He has submitted documents, but has not decided what kind of property he wants to purchase, so he is asking for the maximum amount of funds to borrow.

Step 4. Signing the contract.

This is perhaps the most enjoyable part of the entire mortgage loan process. Just don’t rush and quickly agree to all the terms of the contract.

Before signing, you should pay special attention to the following points:

  • Interest rate;
  • Contract time;
  • Amount of debt;
  • Amount of down payment;
  • Monthly payment schedule.

Do not forget about insurance services, which will need to be taken out without fail. It will not be possible to obtain a mortgage loan without a life insurance contract and structural elements of the purchased apartment. Therefore, be prepared for additional expenses when applying for a loan.

As soon as all the necessary documents are signed, the bank will transfer money to pay for the apartment, and the borrower can receive a certificate of ownership and move to a new home.

In which banks can you get a mortgage using maternity capital?

To make it easier for you to make a choice, consider offers from large financial companies.


Savings Bank is a leader in the lending market. You can borrow funds both for a new apartment and for building your own home. Perhaps this is the only lender who is ready to support a young family and provide a loan for the purchase of any property or land on which a house will be built.

It is also worth taking into account that this is the most demanding bank, which takes a very responsible approach to the choice of its client. It will not be possible to obtain a loan based on the borrower’s bad history. Sberbank cooperates exclusively with decent and solvent clients.

Before submitting an application in the office, you can create a calculation and find out the amount of the monthly payment on the company’s official website.

The lender offers the product under the following conditions:

  • Down payment of at least 20% of the price of the purchased property;
  • Interest rate from 10.5 to 11.5%;
  • Loan term from 1 year to 30 years.

VTB bank

The large universal bank VTB also offers mortgage lending services.

You can receive the product provided:

  • If the initial payment is at least 20% of the amount of the property. Moreover, if in other banks it is possible to make a down payment only using certificate funds, VTB sets its own conditions. The borrower must contribute at least 5% from his own funds.
  • Interest rate from 10%.
  • You can borrow money for a period from 6 to 30 years. If necessary, early repayment is provided without the application of penalties.

Corporate clients can receive the product through a simplified procedure with the provision of a minimum package of documents.


Russian Agricultural Bank is the largest financial institution in Russia. If previously the bank provided lending services exclusively for the agro-industrial complex, today anyone can borrow funds.

Especially for young families, the lender offers to take out the product on attractive terms:

  • The maximum loan amount is 20 million rubles;
  • The term of the loan agreement is up to 30 years;
  • The minimum contribution depends on the chosen program and ranges from 15 to 30%;
  • The interest rate ranges from 10.25 to 15.50%.

Rosselkhozbank is ready to consider the application within five working days from the date of submission of the last document.

An approved application is valid for 90 days. This is the period given to the client to prepare documents and provide them to the lender to formalize the transaction for the purchased property.

The financial company has been actively providing mortgage loans with the participation of the certificate since 2009. It is worth noting that the procedure for obtaining funds is quite simple and convenient for the borrower.

The lender is ready to lend funds up to 30 million rubles for a period of up to 30 years. Upon receipt of the contract, you will be required to make a minimum down payment of 15% of the value of the purchased property.

Thanks to this bank, you can become the owner of a new apartment 10-15 days after submitting all documents.

DeltaCredit Bank

It is worth noting that this is the very first specialized bank in Russia, which was created exclusively for mortgage lending. We can say with confidence that the employees of this company are real professionals who will help you become the owner of a new property as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Conditions for providing a mortgage product:

  • Interest rate from 10% per year;
  • It is possible to draw up an agreement only in national currency (rubles);
  • The amount of the down payment is from 15 to 40% (depending on the property being purchased);
  • Funds are issued for a period of up to 25 years.

This is the only lender that is ready to make a decision within 3 days from the date of submission of all documents.

Is it possible to use maternity capital in a mortgage for up to 3 years?

What can I spend the money received from the state in the form of a special certificate on if the child is under 3 years old? This question is quite relevant today.

It is worth noting that according to the law, funds can only be used if the child is over 3 years old. But every rule has exceptions, which in this case relate to the mortgage agreement.

How to get a mortgage without a down payment from a bank, terms of provision and procedure for registration

The list of banks working with maternity capital is quite extensive. Today, many financial institutions even welcome its use when lending, since the presence of a cash subsidy guarantees the availability of a certain reserve of funds. Which banks are ready to issue mortgages with the participation of Matkapital in 2020 and what conditions do they offer their clients?

Advantages of using maternal capital for a mortgage

It is no secret that improving housing conditions is the most popular area for spending maternity capital. Moreover, Russians often do not have a sufficient amount of money even if they use a subsidy. That's why they turn to banks for borrowed funds. This format allows you to get several advantages at once:

  1. the money can be spent up to 3 years using borrowed funds (if you buy it yourself, you will have to wait until the child turns 3 years old);
  2. you don’t have to look for money for a down payment;
  3. you don’t need to waste time collecting the entire required amount; you can buy a home right away, paying off the borrowed money gradually.

Actually, the use of maternity capital itself is also positive, because the amount of debt owed by borrowers is significantly reduced, thereby reducing the amount of overpayment on the loan.

Use Cases

A family certificate is a means of financial support for families with children. The state is trying to help such people. It is not surprising that many banks want to participate in this. There are several options for using maternity capital for a mortgage:

  • use maternity capital as a down payment (not all banks have this mortgage format, this is largely due to the fact that the procedure for transferring funds from the Pension Fund can take several months);
  • use maternity capital to pay off existing debt (this scheme can be used in almost any bank in the form of partial or full early repayment of the mortgage).

In fact, the use of maternity capital after registration of a mortgage is possible at any bank. Indeed, in this case, you do not need to obtain permission from a financial institution. It is enough to provide all the necessary documents to the Pension Fund and wait for the funds to be transferred to the bank.

If the money is used as a down payment, the procedure itself will be slightly different. First, you will need to obtain from the bank a certificate of consent to issue a loan on these terms. Only after this can you go to the Pension Fund. No one will simply believe the word of the certificate owner.

Wanting to use maternity capital when applying for a mortgage, certificate holders often wonder if there are any restrictions regarding the purposes of mortgage lending. Naturally, it can be applied exclusively to residential real estate. As for the type of housing itself, there are several options:

  1. ready housing;
  2. apartment under construction;
  3. for the construction of a house (but there are restrictions regarding the expenditure of maternity capital).

The breadth of possibilities depends not only on the restrictions of federal legislation, but also on the conditions of the bank in which the client wants to apply for a mortgage loan. For example, some financial institutions offer to use maternity capital only when purchasing an apartment in a new building.

Having decided to purchase an apartment or other residential property with a mortgage together with funds from a family certificate, a person begins to choose a bank. The difficulty lies in finding financial institutions that provide this service and finding the most attractive mortgage lending conditions.

If families will use maternity capital as a down payment, then you can contact one of the following banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • DeltaCredit Bank;
  • UniCredit Bank;
  • Primsotsbank;
  • Nomos Bank.

Specialists from the listed financial institutions not only help in obtaining a mortgage, but also explain information regarding the nuances of using maternity capital when lending. All of them undergo appropriate training.

Mortgage + maternity capital in Sberbank

Sberbank, being the largest bank in the country, offers its clients a large number of programs. There is also the opportunity to use maternity capital issued by the state. Moreover, a separate option is provided for this. There are several options for using maternity capital. It can be aimed at obtaining the following types of mortgages:

  1. apartment in a new building;
  2. apartment on the secondary market;
  3. purchase of country real estate;
  4. home construction;
  5. refinancing an existing mortgage.

For such citizens, there is also the possibility of obtaining a mortgage with state support at 6% using maternity capital. In this way, a family can use two subsidies at the same time, significantly reducing its financial costs.

Interest rates on such mortgages start at 7.4% per annum and depend on the purpose of financing. It is most profitable today to buy an apartment in a new building from a developer accredited by Sberbank.

Loan terms here vary from 1 to 30 years. However, the most profitable would be to obtain a mortgage for up to 7 and 12 years, respectively.

The Bank provides for the possibility of reducing base rates on loans. The conditions look like this:

  • if you have a salary card - 0.5%;
  • when taking out personal insurance - 1.0%;
  • for electronic registration of a concluded transaction - 0.1%.

Additionally, a family can receive benefits from the bank if it has the status of a young family. They consist of an additional reduction in interest rates and the use of a housing certificate issued by the state.


There are quite a few nuances to using maternal capital for a mortgage. It is equally important to find a bank that offers the most favorable terms for such lending.

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Large families who receive assistance from the state in the form of a maternity capital certificate.

It is important to know the main list of financial organizations that can give them a mortgage loan against maternity capital. That is, they accept funds from this capital for a down payment or to pay off mortgage debt.

Which banks to contact

There are quite a few financial organizations in Russia that help large families take out mortgages against maternity capital to help them improve their living conditions.

Banks working with maternity capital:

  • Sberbank;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • "Opening";
  • DeltaCredit;
  • Unicredit.
Important! Before submitting papers to take out a mortgage loan, you must issue a certificate. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is responsible for issuing such documents.

How to make a down payment

In order to make a down payment with money from state assistance for a second child, you need to:

  1. Apply for and receive a certificate from the Pension Fund, select a property to purchase.
  2. Conclude a purchase and sale agreement for a property and contact a banking organization.
  3. Review of the application will take from several days to one calendar month.
  4. After the specialist makes a positive decision on the submitted application, the borrower will receive a notification about the timing of the transfer of assistance from the state towards the down payment.
  5. With this document, you must contact the Pension Fund with a request about the status of state assistance.
  6. Apply for a loan and take all the documents about it in hand.
  7. Contact the Pension Fund with mortgage documents and an agreement to deposit money into the account of a financial institution.
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How to repay a loan using MK

Repayment of the loan debt provides for the following:

  • after receiving the certificate, choose a home to purchase with a mortgage;
  • contact a financial institution to obtain a certificate of the amount of the remaining interest and principal;
  • write to the Pension Fund an application to send maternity capital funds to repay the loan (the Pension Fund can process this paper for about 3 months);
  • After transferring money to the organization’s account, it will be sent to the borrower’s account and the debt will be written off. Usually, such financial assistance is written off against the principal debt of the loan;
  • specialists are required to change the loan repayment schedule and reduce the amount of monthly payments.

Brief characteristics of banks

In order to decide on the choice of a banking institution, it is necessary not only to familiarize yourself with the terms of a mortgage loan, but also to find out a little information about the banks.

  1. "Unicredit". This is a commercial bank that has been operating since 1989. It is ranked eighth in the top 100 financial institutions.
  2. VTB Bank. VTB institutions include not only the bank itself, but also its subsidiaries and other organizations. They serve both individuals and legal entities, helping small businesses. Works with insurance transactions, securities and other banking transactions.
  3. Sberbank. This institution is one of the oldest in Russia, founded in 1841. The bank provides a large list of services: issuing credit and other cards, transfers, deposits and much more.
  4. "Opening". This is a commercial organization that provides citizens with various financial transactions and loans. Engaged in pension and insurance services. Help in the development of small and medium-sized businesses.
  5. DeltaCredit. It is commercial, its fundamental task is to help resolve the population's housing problems.
  6. Bank of Moscow. It is ranked among the largest banks in the Russian Federation. Provides services to both individuals and legal entities.
Advice! To obtain a mortgage loan from a bank, you need to choose it as carefully as possible. After all, each of them has different programs for large families.

Therefore, before applying to any bank, you need to study the services they provide.

Conditions for providing loans by various banks

Bank's name Conditions
VTBIn this bank, with maternity capital paper you can cover the entire down payment, reduce the amount of monthly payments or pay off part of the debt on a mortgage loan. Conditions:
  • the mortgage loan is issued exclusively in Russian currency;
  • it is used to purchase a residential property on the secondary market or under construction;
  • The applicant must have in hand a document to receive financial support from the state.
DeltaCreditThe bank provides a fairly small down payment of 5%. His proposals for processing loans help large families obtain a mortgage loan to purchase a new home. It can also be directed to repay part of the debt ahead of schedule.
UnicreditThe bank offers parents with two or more children to use maternity capital funds as a certain share when applying for a loan to purchase a residential property on the secondary real estate market.

There is even a specific program for this. Financial assistance from the state can increase the size of the loan by the amount of maternity capital if it is used to pay off the loan debt after registering the ownership of a residential property with the relevant authorities.

SberbankThe bank works with both new buildings and secondary market housing. Government assistance can be used as a down payment or to pay off a mortgage loan.
  • the housing to be purchased must be registered as the common shared property of the borrower’s family;
  • the owner of the certificate must provide it to an employee of the financial institution.
Bank of MoscowThis bank has a program “Mortgage + maternity capital”. The certificate can be used to purchase housing in a house that is still under construction or an already completed property.
OpeningIn this financial institution, the interest on the loan is directly related to its term and the amount of the down payment. It also offers special offers, secured by loans, which are partially repaid with financial assistance from the country's authorities and are issued at a rate of up to 11.75% per year.

The money from the certificate can be used to pay the down payment and (or) repay the principal debt and interest on a target mortgage loan or a loan for the purchase (construction) of housing.

Mortgage lending for families with two or more children is one of the main opportunities to use funds secured by a maternity capital certificate. By using money from maternity capital for housing loans or borrowings, a family that needs to improve their living conditions can count on a payment from the state in 2020 in the amount of up to 466 thousand rubles without waiting 3 years.

In general, according to Russian legislation, a mortgage means real estate pledge(apartment, house, room or share in property), which is received by a financial organization (mortgagee) until full settlement of the issued loan funds.

That is, the borrower:

  • takes out a home loan or a targeted loan for a mortgage;
  • The bank receives housing purchased or under construction as collateral until the debt and interest on the loan are fully repaid;
  • in order to be able to fully dispose of the real estate, the final title of ownership is formalized after the mortgage is removed from the living space (that is, after full payment of the borrowed funds, interest, commissions and late fees).

At the legal level, mortgages are regulated by Federal Law No. 102-FZ of July 16, 1998 “ About mortgage (real estate pledge)" Not only housing, but also a plot of land, an enterprise or other property can be provided as collateral.

A mortgage loan secured by maternity capital most often requires an apartment as collateral. Financial institutions are not as willing to lend for the construction or purchase of a house as they are for square meters in apartment buildings.

How to use matkapital for a mortgage

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 of December 12, 2007 “ On the Rules for allocating funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital to improve housing conditions", one of the possibilities to use funds using a certificate is purchase or construction of housing. If these procedures are carried out with the conclusion of a loan agreement, then money from maternal capital in non-cash form can be transferred to the credit institution that provided the loan. However, this requires compliance with a number of certain conditions.

Funds under the certificate can be used for the following purposes:

  • payment of the first installment under a housing loan agreement, including a mortgage loan, or under a targeted loan agreement;
  • depositing funds towards the loan principal and paying interest.

It is allowed to pay using maternity capital funds exclusively targeted loans- that is, taken for the purchase or construction of housing. A loan agreement can be concluded both before the family has the right to maternity capital, and after. In this case, not only the certificate holder, but also his (her) spouse has the right to be a participant in the transaction.


It is strictly prohibited to use funds from maternity capital to pay off fines, penalties or various commissions under loan agreements. The purpose of using the funds must be indicated in the application for disposal to the Pension Fund (PFR) and confirmed by the relevant documents listed below.

It should also be noted that housing loans using maternity capital funds are often implemented through special banking programs, under which a government subsidy can be invested in the payment of principal, interest or the first loan installment.

Pay off the mortgage loan. capital

If a mortgage has already been taken out, and a second (third) child is born in the family, the family has the opportunity to make part of the money provided under the maternity capital certificate as an early payment.

In practice, it is much easier to direct money from maternity capital to an already taken out housing loan than to apply for a new one.

Maternity capital for repayment previously taken out mortgage, can be used after submitting the appropriate application to the Pension Fund. The money is transferred from the Pension Fund account to the account of the financial organization from which the purchased housing is secured.

Process repaying the mortgage with maternal capital occurs in the following sequence:

  1. If you purchase finished housing (and not in a house under construction), the borrower immediately registers ownership of the apartment in Rosreestr. At the same time, the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) will indicate that the apartment has been transferred to a mortgage.
  2. A certificate of current debt on the loan is obtained from a credit institution (bank).
  3. The required package of documents is collected and submitted along with the application for disposition to the Pension Fund for consideration.
  4. The application is reviewed by the Pension Fund within a month. If it is approved, the capital will be transferred to the credit institution within 1 month and 10 working days from the date of registration of the application.
  5. After the money is transferred by the bank, a recalculation is carried out and a new payment schedule is drawn up.
  6. The borrower continues to repay the loan.
  7. After the final settlement with the bank and signing of all papers, the encumbrance on the apartment is removed, and the new owner registers it as the property of all family members.

Documents for loan repayment

Maternity capital for repayment of a mortgage issued earlier is transferred by the Pension Fund of Russia to the account of the credit institution after providing the documents listed in clause 6 and clause 13 of Government Decree No. 862 of December 12, 2007.


For those who want to use maternity capital for a mortgage, the documents are provided according to the following list:

  • application for targeted allocation of funds (to be completed in the Pension Fund of Russia);
  • a document identifying the applicant and confirming his registration;
  • if the documents are submitted by a legal representative - his identity card and notarized power of attorney;
  • if the loan agreement was concluded by the spouse of the certificate holder - the spouse’s passport and his registration document, as well as a marriage certificate;
  • a copy of the credit (loan) agreement and, if available, the mortgage agreement with a state registration mark;
  • a certificate from the bank about the balance of principal and interest debt;
  • a document confirming the transfer of a loan (credit) to the account of the developer or home seller;
  • if the residential property has not yet been registered as the common shared ownership of all family members - written obligation to complete such registration within 6 months after:
    • removal of encumbrances on housing (for a mortgage);
    • its commissioning (in case of shared construction);
    • immediately after the transfer of funds from the Pension Fund (in other cases).

The following documents are provided depending on the purpose of the loan and are required for confirmation of the intended use of money(improving living conditions):

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Property Rights for the purchased property (if an already completed apartment was purchased or the construction of the housing for which the loan was issued was completed);
  • agreement for participation in shared construction(if the owner of the certificate or his spouse purchases an apartment in an apartment building under construction);
  • statement of membership in a housing cooperative(if the loan was issued to make an initial or share contribution to a residential complex, housing cooperative or housing cooperative);
  • permission to build an individual residential building(if the bank agreed to issue a loan for such a case, and the house has not yet been put into operation).

Maternity capital for down payment

Until 2015, the opportunity to use funds for a down payment on a mortgage loan was provided to certificate holders only after three years from the moment of birth or adoption of a child.

The legislative opportunity to allocate funds for a down payment on a loan for up to 3 years appeared after the entry into force of:

  • Federal Law No. 131-FZ of May 23, 2015 on amendments to Art. 7 and 10 of the Basic Law on Maternity Capital;
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 950 of September 09, 2015 on amendments to the “Rules for allocating maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions.”
After making this decision, the Government predicted the growth of the mortgage lending market by 5-30%, but there was no significant increase. In practice, certificate holders wishing to exercise this right have encountered technical difficulties.


According to current legislation, the holder of a maternity capital certificate can take a target housing credit or loan for the purchase or construction of housing. According to the application to the Pension Fund, the funds secured by the certificate are used to pay off the borrowed money.

The undeniable advantage of such a targeted investment is that the money can be used immediately after receiving the right to maternity capital, that is until the child's 3rd birthday. In fact, this rule currently only applies to repaying mortgage loans already taken out. In practice, maternity capital is still used for the first loan installment, but usually after the child turns 3 years old.

In addition, some Russian banks offer special mortgage lending programs involving maternal capital at a reduced interest rate.


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Every year the list of such banks increases, as this is an excellent opportunity to reduce risks when issuing a loan.

The most popular banks that offer such programs are:

  1. Sberbank.
  2. VTB 24.
  3. Rosselkhozbank.
  4. Alfa Bank.
  5. Primsotsbank.
  6. Raiffeisenbank.
  7. Gazprombank.
  8. Absolut Bank.
  9. Bank opening.
  10. UniCredit Bank.

Lending conditions are approximately the same everywhere.

At the same time, you can apply for a program to purchase housing on the secondary or primary market. This could be an apartment or an individual house.

Almost all of these banks also support a number of other government programs. For example, you can receive money at a reduced rate under the Young Family program. Then the rate will be equivalent to the refinancing rate.

Terms and options

It is possible to issue or use it to further repay the principal amount of the debt (read about how, including for co-borrowers).

Banks that provide mortgages using maternity capital usually set approximately the same conditions.

Let's consider all the options using the examples of a state and commercial bank: a mortgage against maternity capital of Rosselkhozbank and Primsotsbank, respectively.

Mortgage with maternity capital as a down payment for purchasing a home:

Parameter for comparison



Conditions for issuing a loan

  1. Russian citizenship.
  2. At least 6 months of work experience with the current employer.
  3. One year of continuous experience within the last 5 years.
  1. Age limit from 21 to 65 years.
  2. Russian citizenship.
  3. Registration in the region where you are going to apply for a loan.
  4. Total work experience of 5 years in the last one year.
  5. The required work experience with the last employer is at least 6 months.

Required documents

  1. Passport.

Also in this bank you can get a mortgage using two documents, but the cost of the loan will be much higher.

  1. Application form according to the bank form.
  2. Passport.
  3. Military ID or registration certificate for those liable for military service.
  4. Marriage and birth certificates (if available).
  5. Certificate of income in the form of a bank or 2-NDFL.
  6. Certificate for receiving maternity capital.

Documents about the loaned object

  1. Extract from the Unified State Register.
  2. Extract from the house register.
  3. Contract of sale.

When purchasing an apartment in a building under construction you will need:

  1. Extract from the Unified State Register.
  2. Participation agreement.
  3. Project declaration of the property.
  4. Construction permit.
  5. Mortgage.

When buying your own house or apartment:

  1. Extract from the Unified State Register.
  2. Certificate of assessment of the property by a specialist.
  3. Extract from the house register.
  4. Notarized consent of the spouse to register a mortgage and purchase a home, if he is not a party to the transaction and is not a co-borrower.
  5. Cadastral and technical passport.
  6. A mortgage on the loaned or other property.
  7. A receipt from the seller confirming receipt of the deposit.
  8. Contract of sale.

To purchase a home in a house under construction you will need:

  1. Extract from the Unified State Register.
  2. Participation agreement.
  3. A copy of the certificate for receiving maternal capital.
  4. project declaration certified by government agencies.
  5. Construction permit.
  6. Construction estimate (if we are talking about an individual house).
  7. Cadastral and technical passports.
  8. Contract agreement for the construction of an individual house, if third-party labor is used.
  9. Mortgage.
  10. Receipt for payment of the down payment.

Interest rates and loan terms

Depending on the program, the rate varies from 10.5% per annum. When using a mortgage with state support and having a large down payment, you are given this rate, but if you violate the terms of the contract, namely the clause on the extension of insurance, it increases to 18%.

The maximum loan term is 30 years.

Interest rates vary depending on the availability of a salary project, the size of the down payment, credit history, income and other factors. The minimum interest is 11.5% per annum. The maximum loan term is 30 years.

Type of repayment

Annuity payments

Annuity payments

Partial or full early repayment

Can be done at any time, no commission is charged. The minimum amount for partial early repayment should be 15 thousand rubles. You need to write a write-off application in advance. After the scheduled payment date, you will need to take out a new repayment schedule.

Possible at any time, commission and moratorium are not provided. The minimum amount for partial repayment is 20 thousand rubles. If the contract provides for direct write-off, then there is no need to write a statement. You can receive a new repayment schedule after the scheduled payment date.


During the encumbrance on housing, home and health insurance for the title borrower is required.

Down payment amount

The minimum size is 20%.

The minimum amount is 15%.

VTB 24

It is worth mentioning separately about this bank, as it is integrated into government agencies and can offer some of the most favorable lending conditions.

You can get a mortgage from this bank if you meet the following conditions:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • permanent registration in the entity where you are going to get credit;
  • the borrower's age is from 21 to 65 years;
  • total work experience over the last 5 years of at least 1 year and 6 months at the last place of work;
  • have an official income.

You can get a loan under these conditions:

  1. The mortgage size varies from 400 thousand to 10 million rubles.
  2. The contract term is up to 30 years.
  3. Interest rate from 11.4% per annum.

Anyone who took out a mortgage against maternity capital from Primsotsbank knows that you will need to take out insurance for the entire loan term. The borrower and the property are insured. You will also need to provide the purchased or other real estate as collateral..

The package of documents is standard and does not differ from the banks described above, but there is also a program that allows you to apply for a mortgage using a passport and a second identification document.

However, in essence, you provide everything the same except for a certificate of income, but the cost of the loan increases by a couple of percent. This program is relevant for those who have high unofficial income.


Sberbank requires the same documents including SNILS of the title borrower, co-borrower and all guarantors.

The big advantage of working with this bank is the ability to choose the repayment method: annuity or differentiated.

The minimum interest rate here is 11.5% per annum under the “Young Family” program.

When receiving a loan on standard terms, the cost of collateral will be from 12.5% ​​per annum.

Terms of service:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • the borrower must have a residence permit in the region where he is going to receive a loan;
  • age limit from 21 to 65 years;
  • 6 months of experience at the last place of work and one year of continuous work over the last 5 years;
  • availability of official income.

The best banks providing mortgages against mat. capital

Based on the table above, it can be seen that lending conditions are more favorable in state-owned banks.

Today these are the following banks that provide mortgages against maternity capital: Sberbank, VTB 24 and Rosselkhozbank.

They can also include Gazprombank, since it is a subsidiary of Gazprom, which is fully supported by the state. However, it is much easier to get a loan from commercial banks.

The difference in the interest rate is small, no more than 2% per annum, but commercial banks can offer you more flexible terms for repayment.

So, you can pay through a bank branch, third-party organizations, their own ATMs or partner ATMs.

The application processing speed is approximately the same everywhere and does not exceed 10 working days.

In exceptional cases, documents may be required that are not included in the standard package described above.

If problems arise with payment in commercial banks, it is much easier to negotiate and carry out refinancing or restructuring.

However, you should not take out loans from small commercial banks. Otherwise, you risk that the Central Bank will revoke their license due to lack of liquidity or as a result of other violations of Russian legislation.

It is much more profitable and calmer to apply for a mortgage in one of the TOP 100 banks. These lenders expect long-term cooperation and are ready to offer the most convenient loan servicing conditions.

We have prepared additional publications for you, from which you can learn about what is needed to repay a mortgage on an apartment building when applying for a certificate, whether it is possible, how to take it out under an apartment complex, and also about what happens after repaying this housing loan.

Thus, a mortgage using maternity capital is an excellent opportunity to buy a home. To use government money, you will need to go through the standard procedure of submitting an application with the Pension Fund (which ones must be submitted to the Pension Fund to pay off the mortgage on an apartment complex?). When the money is transferred, you can proceed to the next stage and apply for a loan.