What to invest 100,000 rubles in

Those people who have cash often think about where to invest it in order to protect it in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Yes, by the way, during a period of economic instability, cash in hand causes fear, and the memory of the nineties comes to mind, when all the money went to zero. Of course, large sums can be easily invested in real estate; its market is constantly growing. What to do if you don’t have much money, but you don’t want to lose it? Where can you invest, for example, one hundred thousand?


And it’s not a whim at all. Inflation, which is merciless to everyone, can simply swallow up all savings. However, today there are much more opportunities not only to preserve your own funds, but also to increase them. Let's look at some of them:

Borrowing money

No, it’s not just about lending until payday, but making money from it. In the case when money is given at a certain percentage, it not only is not lost anywhere, but also helps the owner earn money. There are receipts for such operations, but if the amount is large, it is better to have the procedure notarized. By the way, some people give their savings against some property, for example, household appliances, jewelry, etc. If you run a business like this, then it will be safe from scammers and those who decide not to pay their bills.

Purchase of securities

If you buy shares on the stock market, you can not only protect your money, but also make a good profit. Of course, here you need to calculate every step. There are also dividend shares that allow you to make a profit not only when the price of a security jumps, but also in percentage terms every six months or a year.

Of course, there are risks here. For those who have recently come to the stock exchange, it is difficult to decide on the companies offering shares, or more precisely, on their prospects. Therefore, more often than not, beginners make a profit due to a sharp jump in the price of a share purely by chance. It follows that this method is not for short-term profits. It is designed for long-term prospects, since, even despite constant price jumps, growth still continues with long-term play.

Mutual funds

Another great way where you can successfully invest, for example, one hundred thousand rubles. The essence of mutual funds comes down to buying securities, or rather not even the stocks and bonds themselves, but shares in the overall investment package. Only after this will the papers be purchased directly. The choice of promising paper assets is made by the organizer, which naturally reduces the risk of losing savings.


This type of earnings also applies to “fund investors,” and its method of earning money is approximately the same as a mutual fund. But, in addition to the plus, the opportunity to invest small amounts of money, there is also a huge minus - almost fifty percent of the commission on the trader’s profit.

But if you place bets without risk, you won’t earn much - it’s somewhere around thirty to forty percent per annum. However, there are those who like to “drink champagne” and they often earn one hundred, and sometimes two hundred percent of the profit. Although, this is where there is a greater risk of losing.

Bank deposit


The most reliable and simplest way is to keep your savings in a bank. Yes, this is an excellent safe option, but you won’t be able to make money with it. The whole point is that bank profits can be lower than the inflation rate for the year. This means that when there is inflation in the country, it’s not only that you won’t be able to make a profit, but you can also go into the red. Although many banks offer various investment options:

  • Savings savings accounts are the highest interest-bearing deposits. But they are designed for a minimum of a year, and can be extended for several years. Of course, you can withdraw money from your account at any time, but then you won’t see any profitable interest. For those who are not sure that they will not be able to “withdraw” the money before the end of the contract, it is better to use deposits with capitalization calculated for each month.
  • A multicurrency deposit has a lower percentage of profit than a savings deposit. But if a crisis occurs in the country with the national currency, then it will be able to protect savings from personal bankruptcy.
  • An account for accounting for the movement of metal in the impersonal form of compulsory medical insurance (an impersonal metal account) allows you to invest in precious metals. This could be Palladium, Aurum, Platina, Argentum. Yes, this method is not popular when the economy is stable, but during a crisis it is the most reliable tool that can protect and preserve finances from sharp depreciations. It is clear that this option is for the long term.

You will learn where it is better to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles in order to make a profit, what investments are the most promising today, how to invest money and not go broke

Hi all! This is the founder of HeatherBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

Today we will talk about profitable investments in conditions of economic instability and find out which areas of financial investments are the most profitable at the moment.

The article will be useful for beginning entrepreneurs, money makers (specialists in making money on the Internet) and anyone who wants to increase their capital in the safest and most profitable way.

So, let's begin!

1. How to invest capital in rubles - principles of profitable investment

Surely you have asked yourself these questions more than once: why do some people get rich, while others live from paycheck to paycheck and constantly get into debt? How are the rich different from the poor? Why are some people able to generate stable income while others are not?

We assure you that this is not only about the talents and increased efficiency of wealthy people. They just know how to manage their assets more competently. The starting data for the rich and the poor are in many cases the same, but the approach to material and spiritual resources is radically different for both.

People accustomed to constant poverty and debt do not direct their attention and energy in the right direction. But citizens with a different type of thinking create assets that help them radically change their lives.

The long-term goal of any monetary deposits is to create passive income and free yourself from financial slavery. This means that you don’t have to work “for someone else” for 40-50 hours a week for a fixed salary that doesn’t even meet your needs by a quarter.

In one of our previous publications we already wrote about this - read it.

Having made a successful investment once, we receive constant dividends that do not depend on our labor costs and are constant and stable. Such income can be quite substantial: their main advantage is that they free up your personal time.

Time is a person’s main asset, which cannot be returned back, but can be used right now with maximum effectiveness. It is investments that can give us more time for life, love and creativity.

In order for investments to fulfill their tasks, they must be competent. In this section we will reveal the main principles of profitable investments and explain how to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles with minimal risk.

Practicing investors and specialists in profitable investments give the following advice:

  • invest only “free” money in investment projects. First you need to create the so-called “ financial airbag“- a reserve of money that, in the event of a delay in payments or an unsuccessful scenario, will provide your family with the usual standard of living for several months;
  • follow the principle of diversification of deposits. It sounds complicated, but in reality it means a simple truth - you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. Divide your financial contributions into different areas;
  • control risks. Before making a deposit, calculate your chances in detail and do not make hasty decisions. It is better for novice investors to choose the most conservative financial instruments;
  • attract partners (co-investors). If your money is not enough for a profitable investment, you can create a group of shareholders or an investment pool. The larger the investment amount, the more reliable opportunities there are.

These are basic and elementary principles, but they will help you avoid typical beginner mistakes and save your finances, nerves and energy.

And don't expect too quick results. Investments pay off at different rates: it can sometimes take months or even years (if the investment is long-term) before commissions are credited to your account.

2. Where to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles for a month or more to earn interest - TOP 7 most profitable ways to invest

100-200 thousand rubles is quite a decent amount for investment. Experts advise making investments thoughtfully and wisely.

It is advisable to divide the amount of deposits into several parts so that your investment portfolio is as resistant to market fluctuations as possible. If you place money in 3 different investment areas, you will be well insured against drawdowns and force majeure circumstances.

And now - specific ways of investing, the most profitable, reliable and promising in modern economic realities.

Method 1. Investments in Internet projects (websites, blogs, online stores)

Making a profit through the World Wide Web is a current area of ​​investment, a niche that is worth occupying right now, while competition in this area has not yet reached its peak.

The Internet is one of the few sectors of the economy that is in a growing trend, despite economic instability.

You can verify this fact yourself by observing how rapidly social networks, online projects, and applications for mobile devices are developing.

To successfully invest in Internet projects, it is not necessary to have a good understanding of digital technologies and programming. Basic financial literacy and basic knowledge of marketing – that’s all you need to create passive income online.

The resource “HeatherBober.ru”, where you are now, is a typical example of a successful investment in an Internet project. But we warn you in advance that you should not expect instant financial results from your own website.

Investments of up to 200,000 rubles will begin to generate income, at best, six months after the launch of the project. Website owners receive their main income from advertising or direct sales.

In the first case, the maximum profit is brought by information portals with a large audience of readers; in the second, profit is generated through the sale of goods and services through an online store.

The most profitable product to sell online is information products. Discs, programs, files, books that are sold to everyone for money, sometimes quite decent. This could be trainings, courses, video and audio content. Such products are created once, and if successful, they are sold hundreds and thousands of times.

In general, there are a huge number of ways to make money on your own website.

Here is just a sample list of online business areas:

  • selling links;
  • work on affiliate programs;
  • sale of contextual advertising and space for banners;
  • writing advertising articles;
  • infobusiness.

The territory of activity on the Internet is still vast and fertile. It is not always possible to achieve passive income immediately, but the long-term prospects for such investments are very definite.

Method 2. Bank deposits

Bank deposits are a popular and reliable way to save money. True, one cannot expect much income from deposits in rubles at the current level of inflation.

Therefore, investors are advised to use this method as an auxiliary tool, using bank deposits as a kind of insurance in case of force majeure in other investment areas.

Good news for over-cautious investors in the Russian Federation: deposits worth up to 1 million 400 thousand are subject to compulsory insurance. This applies to all financial organizations operating under an official license.

For investments, we advise you to choose large banks with an impeccable reputation. In the Russian Federation, Sberbank is traditionally at the top of popularity, but you should know that this institution has one of the lowest interest rates on deposits of individuals.

It may be worth considering the option of exchanging rubles for foreign currency and making a deposit in euros or dollars, thereby neutralizing the effects of inflation and devaluation.

The advantages of bank deposits are obvious:

  • low risk and high reliability;
  • fixed percentage of income;
  • the ability to return funds to your pocket at any time;
  • accessibility and ease of management (almost all large banks provide users with the ability to remotely manage accounts and cards through their personal account).

The disadvantages are also clear - relatively low income, loss of interest rate if the deposit is reset early.



If you have 100 thousand rubles, you need to divide the amount into three parts and deposit it in the bank in three different currencies: dollars, euros, rubles. Do the same with 500 thousand. If you have a million rubles, you need to split them into two deposits and put them in different banks, the amount up to 700 thousand rubles will be insured, and it will be returned even if the bank’s license is revoked.

Urgent money is always needed in a state of liquidity. If you don’t even have enough for a car, it means you may need them at any moment. For example, for treatment. Thus, investing in something less liquid than bank deposits can be dangerous.

In addition, people who are keen on increasing the hundreds of thousands of rubles they have set aside using sophisticated methods, instead of focusing on their core activities, will never earn a million or more.

But if you are young and have 10 million rubles, then you can try investing in risky assets. Losing half of your money at 30 is not a problem, but at 60 it is already a problem. In my opinion, it is advisable to distribute the money as follows: 2 million - in foreign government bonds, 3 million - in different banks in different currencies, 2-3 million - in mutual funds and the same amount - in startups, if you have time and understanding.

Alexey Korolyuk

Domains are a good option for targeted investments with a medium-term payback period. The average increase in domain value per year is 25%. As investment objects, it is best to choose generic domains that reflect popular search queries of users or large business industries, for example real estate.rf, furniture.rf, bank.rf, and so on. Short and sonorous two-three-character domains are universal for many companies and are also a guarantee of profit. In this regard, those who are thinking about investing in domains should pay attention to the new zone.moscow. Open registration in the zone will begin on December 1.

To quickly enter into a deal in this area, you will need to organize a road show to demonstrate your portfolio to potential buyers. But anyone can do this; no special knowledge is required.

Yulia Kurchenkova

wine restaurant owner Kurkoff

Wine from famous houses can be bought for 300 euros. The most expensive bottle we sold in the past year cost 15 thousand euros. This means that the “run” for investing in wine is very large. But problems may arise later with the sale of an inexpensive bottle - after all, the more expensive the bottle, the more difficult it is to find, the higher the demand for it will be, with inexpensive ones it’s exactly the opposite. Of course, wines increase in price, depending on the year and producer. On average, the price increase per year is 10–30%.

Before investing money, you need to indicate to yourself the period for which you want to invest. By studying authoritative reference books and expert opinions, and consulting with a sommelier, you can even make money on a wine that plans to open up in, say, three years. After this time it will become more expensive. It is better to choose collections for investment - the best years of one manufacturer or consecutive years of one manufacturer. Collections will be easier to sell at auctions.

It is better to buy wine either directly from farms, from authorized distributors, or at auctions. In all three cases, the transaction is accompanied by the necessary documents. If the question is where to buy cheaper, then the task of each investor is to find it independently. It is not a fact that it will be cheaper directly at farms (domains), since by selling one bottle at a time, the house cannot make a discount. Buying wine on private classifieds websites is strictly prohibited.

Creating the necessary conditions for storing wine (certain temperature, humidity, lack of light) also implies additional costs. The simplest and cheapest wine refrigerator costs around 200 euros. It holds six bottles.

Vladimir Filyashin

Director of Development
investment and retail
business "Life Capital"

It is better to invest small amounts in financial instruments that have high liquidity, that is, which can easily be converted into money. At the same time, it is better to keep part of your available funds (about 20–50%, and the smaller the amount, the higher this percentage) in a regular deposit in case of force majeure and use it if necessary. These can be Eurobonds, government securities or bonds of reliable companies and banks. Few people understand this financial instrument yet, but once you understand the details a little, they will become just as simple and more profitable for you than a bank deposit.

I would not recommend investing in tools such as precious stones or expensive wines. If you are not good enough at this, then there is a high probability of being left with nothing. For example, you will not find a buyer willing to buy wine at a good price. And precious stones require proper execution of the transaction with the mandatory presence of certificates and documents.

Natalya Smirnova

CEO of the company
"Personal Advisor"

In addition to bank deposits, it makes sense to invest small amounts in bonds with a short maturity. If you don’t understand this, then listen to the broker’s advice. I think it might be promising to buy bonds of Transaero or Rosselkhozbank. The return will be on average 12–13% per year. In general, to independently understand how and what is organized on the market, it will probably take a year. On the other hand, ordinary bank deposits will bring approximately the same profitability, despite the fact that they do not require special knowledge. Moreover, rates will rise in a banking crisis, and before the New Year, many banks always offer more favorable conditions.

You should not try to make money on subletting with such amounts. Firstly, because you have to pay taxes, otherwise it is a violation of the law. Secondly, there is no guarantee that in the current real estate market conditions you can quickly find a tenant.

If you only have 100 thousand rubles, then you can consider investing it in education or treatment. For example, you can learn English if you know for sure that it will be useful to you in your career. Health is the most important area that you definitely shouldn’t skimp on. Shares of clinics, which will also try to attract customers in times of crisis, can make this a profitable investment.

Regardless of the size of the investment, in any case, it must and can generate income for its owner. Indeed, not all of our fellow citizens have their own capital to invest in large and promising projects. But even citizens with an average income may well have an amount of 100,000 rubles and receive a certain profit from this amount. The fact is that inflation reduces the size of our savings every year, which means we need to direct them in time so that at least the income from investments justifies the current inflation.

But due to financial illiteracy, ordinary people cannot know where to invest funds in such a way that they work for them and bring even a small but stable income. At the same time, you should carefully consider this event, because you should always take into account that investments are always accompanied by a certain risk. This means that you need to know exactly where you can invest 100 thousand rubles so that they generate income and at the same time with minimal risks. Let’s try to sort out all the current options.

Bank deposit

Of course, this is the easiest, most accessible and safest way to invest money. In this case, you do not need to have any knowledge or experience, you just need to choose a bank and conclude an agreement with it to open a deposit account. True, when choosing a financial institution, you should pay attention first of all to the terms of service of the deposit and the annual percentage. Many users will probably think that it would not hurt to check the reliability of the bank and assess their risks. But in fact, today it is not necessary to do this, because all bank deposits are insured by the DIA agency.

Please note that all bank deposits are insured by a state guarantee; if the license of a credit institution is revoked, all depositors receive compensation in the amount of up to 1 million 400 thousand rubles.

Now let’s focus on the main thing: what profit does a bank deposit bring if you invest 100,000 rubles for a period of one year. It all depends on the annual interest rate, calculations here are not so difficult, if the interest rate is 8%, then the total profit of the depositor for one year will be 8,000 rubles without taking into account the capitalization of interest; if, according to the terms of the bank deposit, capitalization of interest is provided, then the profit will be slightly more , but not by much.

Bank deposits have a number of disadvantages and advantages. The main advantage of a deposit is that in any case it is the safest and most reliable way to invest. There are also disadvantages, first of all, they lie in the fact that bank deposits have many restrictions and nuances. For example, if at least part of the invested funds is withdrawn early, the investor loses part of the profit, that is, in the worst case, the investor will not receive a profit at all, but will return his savings in full.

PAMM accounts

This method of investing, of course, is not known to everyone, because many individuals are skeptical about it and under no circumstances consider it as a serious method of investment. Investing is profitable, but at the same time, of course, carefully consider all possible risks. First of all, you need to answer the question of what PAMM accounts are and how this scheme works.

In fact, this method of investing has been known for quite a long time; its essence is that you invest money in investments in the Forex currency market. True, here your interests should be protected by professional traders, that is, securities market players with existing experience. You can directly take part in trading on the Forex market yourself, but it is worth considering that beginners here should not expect profit at all; rather, you will suffer losses.

By choosing a successful trader, you can make a profit, but it is worth considering that instead of a profit, you can also receive a loss. So, your task is to first find a trader with good trading experience. Next, you enter into an agreement with him and entrust your own savings, he will invest them in the purchase of assets for the purpose of subsequent resale. The fact is that traders usually enter into agreements with several investors and trade on their own behalf. In the future, profits are divided among all participants in proportion to their investments, just like losses.

As for the size of the profit, it is almost impossible to predict it; ideally, it is 30–40% per annum, although it can exceed 200% per annum, but this is most likely an exception and, accordingly, it is better not to count on such a result.

Among other things, let’s consider what risks this investment method has:

  1. Trading risks if the trader takes the wrong approach, in which you risk incurring losses, because trading is carried out on the asset market, where it is almost impossible to predict the situation, especially without analytical skills.
  2. Non-trading risks, here we are talking about the fact that you have a high probability that you will incur a loss associated with the incompetence of a trader or even with scammers, because you are entrusting funds, in fact, to a complete stranger.

Mutual funds

In simple terms, what it is is trust management of your assets to special funds. That is, several people have small savings, but cannot invest them correctly and, in principle, do not know how to do this. Here you need to choose an organization that accepts funds from clients and invests them in various profitable activities, for example, the purchase of precious metal, stock securities, and more.

As for the size of profit, the issue is quite complex and ambiguous. After all, it may not be too large, maybe 50% of the investment, maybe 100% or more. At the same time, mutual investment funds do not guarantee investors a fixed profit because it will depend on many factors, primarily on the economic situation.

Investing in the purchase of precious metals, currencies and securities

This option is more or less similar to the previous one, but only in the previous option you trust your funds to investment funds, and in this option you can independently manage your finances by purchasing shares of large companies, precious metals or foreign currency. The essence of the event here is quite simple: first you need to carefully study all the options, as well as assess the prospects for growth in the value of assets and compare it with possible risks.

What to invest 100 thousand rubles in is a rather complicated question, because the cost of precious metals is growing steadily, but at a slow pace; most likely you will not be able to earn much money by purchasing gold or silver. At the very least, your profit will probably be less than on a bank deposit. When purchasing shares of large companies, for example, Sberbank, Gazprom and other companies, you bear significant risks, because the value of securities fluctuates, it can fall significantly, or, on the contrary, it can rise in price and bring significant profit to its owner. In addition, security holders are entitled to receive dividends. But there is also a disadvantage of this method: if you do not have analytical skills, you will not be able to predict at least approximately the fluctuation in the price of certain shares, and you definitely will not be able to find a favorable time to buy or sell them.

Another way to invest is to buy foreign currency: dollars or euros, but, as you know, jumps in the value of foreign currencies, fortunately, do not happen so often, which means you should not expect super-profits from purchasing foreign currency. Among other things, when purchasing and selling currency, you will have to pay a commission to the bank, and, therefore, this method of investing is still not worth taking seriously.

Business projects

Probably, many will think that 100,000 rubles will not be enough to organize their own business. But this is just a big misconception, because in history you can find many striking examples of how successful businessmen started their journey practically from scratch. This means that you, like others, have a chance to start your own business with minimal investment.

You can find quite a lot of business ideas, but one big factor worth taking into account is that competition in the market is quite serious, so you should choose a niche that does not yet have a high level of competition. Also, if you still decide on this method, it is worth carefully studying the market from the inside, that is, identifying the needs of the end buyer, his interests and preferences.

Please note that the size of investments in the same business can vary significantly depending on the region; when choosing an industry, you should carefully study the pricing policy of the region.

No one can answer your question about what kind of business you can start with 100,000 rubles. Here everything depends on many circumstances, but we can answer with certainty that if you have such funds, you can open an online store, for example, using a dropshipping system, a business in the service sector and other projects. When your investment will pay off is also a difficult question, everything will depend on your enterprise and resourcefulness. At the same time, it is worth remembering one essential truth: the success of the event depends on a clear and detailed business plan.

From this we can conclude that in order to make a profit, it is enough to have funds in the amount of 100,000 rubles and manage them correctly. When choosing an investment method, be sure to take into account all the factors and risks and calculate your capabilities. If you really want to, you will not only save your money, but also receive income from it.

Where to invest 100 thousand rubles: analysis of the rationality of investing small funds + 3 promising options for investing money.

If you own some kind of monetary capital, then sooner or later you will think about the possibility of investing existing material resources, say, to obtain additional profit.

There are many options, which vary depending on the goal that you are pursuing. We’ll talk about how to invest one hundred thousand profitably and with maximum benefit for yourself in this article.

Is investing 100 thousand rubles promising?

How to properly manage the available capital is a responsible question. Many still prefer not to invest their rubles anywhere, keeping them as a “nest egg”.

But with even such a small amount as 100 thousand rubles, you can increase your profit and succeed in life, if only you know how to invest your savings wisely.

to get the return:

    Invest in yourself, in expanding your own knowledge and horizons.

  • Firstly, an amount of one hundred thousand is enough to comprehensively check your health condition and take care of it. You can spend this money on carrying out the necessary examinations, or on a gym membership.
  • Perhaps you have long wanted to change your image? Investing one hundred thousand in yourself is a smart decision! Maintaining your health, both physical and psychological, is important.
  • One hundred thousand rubles is also a sufficient amount to improve your skills or succeed in an area in which you lack knowledge. In this case, this money can be used to pay for courses or trainings. Such a decision will in any case benefit you in life.

Invest in generating passive income.

This type of cash investment includes: bank deposits, mutual funds, purchase of shares and bonds. Whichever of the above you choose, you will end up receiving additional income with a minimum of effort.

Invest in creating your own business.

At first glance, it may seem that one hundred thousand is too small an amount to start your own business. But this is not at all true... Creating a small business often does not require large financial investments.

Let us consider in detail each of the options where to invest 100 thousand rubles, and discuss the pros and cons of these investments.

Option #1.

Invest 100 thousand rubles in yourself

When people talk about investing money in themselves, they usually mean long-term “return.” Let's take a closer look at a few specific ideas where you can invest this bunch of rubles to your advantage.

1. Invest in acquiring additional knowledge and skills.

If you have an amount of one hundred thousand rubles, you can invest these funds to obtain additional education.

    What goals can be achieved if you invest 100 thousand rubles in your education:

    Broaden your horizons.

    Perhaps there are areas in which you would like to gain more knowledge, but there was no suitable opportunity?

    Gain additional skills to advance your career.

    It happens that in order to get a promotion at work, people do not have enough knowledge of a foreign language or their insufficient level of computer use is hampered. You can take English or French courses and get the desired salary increase.

    Gain knowledge in the area in which you would like to work in the future.

If everything is clear with the first two points, then we will consider the last point in more detail.

  • With one hundred thousand rubles, you can easily get an education in the following areas:
  • hairdressing art,
  • makeup,
  • manicure and pedicure,
  • sewing,

Interior design.

Thus, if you invest 100 thousand rubles in this, you can completely change your field of activity, succeed in it and receive a solid income.

2. Invest one hundred thousand in purchasing expensive devices for work.

This option, in which you can invest your hard-earned rubles, will probably interest you if:

  • Lack of necessary gadgets hinders your progress in the work field.
  • You cannot fully monitor the situation in the world or country; you want to expand your horizons and always “be in the know.”
  • The acquisition of modern technical devices is necessary for status.

If any of the above problems are familiar to you, you can safely spend the available amount of one hundred thousand rubles to achieve the necessary goals.

3. Invest money in keeping yourself in shape.

Although at first glance this investment option seems useless, it is worth taking a closer look at it.

It is worth investing your 100 thousand rubles in this way in this case:

    You have long wanted to examine your health.

    Thanks to this, you will keep your health strong for a long time. This means that you will work more productively, get sick less often, and reduce the risk of investing the same money in the purchase of medicines and operations in the future.

    I have long dreamed of going to the gym.

    Buy a gym membership - this way you will get your body in order, and add activity and creativity to yourself.

    We wanted to change our image and wardrobe.

    In order to become successful, you just need to look neat. You might want to change your haircut or add some colorful suits to your closet.

Whatever option you choose, remember: it's never too late to change something in your life and try something new.

These examples only confirm this truth:

The idea of ​​investing 100 thousand rubles in yourself and your interests will never become unjustified, but, on the contrary, will help you become a successful person.

Option #2.

Invest 100 thousand rubles to receive passive income

Don’t want to keep your material savings at home, namely one hundred thousand rubles, but at the same time don’t mind receiving additional profit for using them by third parties? This means that this option of investing 100 thousand will suit you.

  • The most rational options where you can invest 100 thousand rubles to make a profit:
  • Bank deposit.
  • Mutual investment fund (UIF).
  • Valuable metals.

Purchase of shares.

We will conduct a detailed review of each of the options in order to invest one hundred thousand.

This idea of ​​where to invest rubles or foreign currency is the most popular. Most people believe that investing one hundred thousand rubles in is a win-win and reliable option.

In fact, this is really the right decision, since the thousands of rubles that you decided to invest are in the bank. So you don't need to worry about them. In addition, you will receive an additional amount for using your funds.

But this option to invest your rubles also has many disadvantages:

  • Low interest rate - on average from 8% to 10%.
  • Inability to withdraw your deposit before the expiration of the contract.
  • You could lose your deposit if the bank closes.

Whether to deposit money or not is a personal matter.

But if you decide to do this, consider all the nuances:

  • Decide on the deposit currency - find out in which currency it is best to make a deposit.
  • Do not look for a bank with the highest interest rate - there is a great risk of losing your thousands of rubles.
  • Specify the scheme of accrual and payments for the deposit.

The list of the most reliable banks in Russia, where you can safely invest 100 thousand, includes:

2. Mutual investment fund.

The idea of ​​investing money in mutual funds has become very popular today. What is a mutual fund?

Mutual funds– these are funds that form their property from investments of investors (in other words, shareholders), and with the help of a management company manage this capital.

That is, you become the owner of part of the property that makes up the share.

Reasons why this option to invest rubles is gaining popularity:

  • Minimum investment– you can invest with 1 thousand rubles or more.
  • No risk– mutual funds are controlled at the proper level by the state.
  • Money back - you can get your investment back at any time.

But this method also has its drawback - you need to be able to choose the right mutual fund to invest your capital, since there is a risk of losing your investment.

3. Valuable metals.

Many people “the old fashioned way” prefer the option of investing their thousands in precious metals. This is a currency that will not depreciate, but at the same time directly depends on the price of the metal on the world market.

And this market has one interesting feature - prices for precious metals are constantly rising. However, only in the long term investment perspective.

The following metals are considered to be the most profitable to invest your rubles in:

Despite the reliability of the idea of ​​​​investing 100 thousand rubles in precious metals, do not forget about the disadvantages:

  • Keeping gold or other bullion at home is quite risky.
  • It is expensive to deposit precious metals in a bank.
  • No one can accurately predict the future price of the precious metal.

The easiest way to invest one hundred thousand in gold bars is to purchase the one that suits you at Sberbank: https://www.sberbank.ru/ru/person/contributions/values/metall

4. Purchase of shares.

This way of investing your capital is also very popular. But you need to understand that investing one hundred thousand rubles in profitable stocks is not an easy task. Here you need to either rely on your own luck, or entrust the selection of papers to a good specialist.

Many also advise buying shares of companies that have proven themselves in the market and whose services you use yourself.

In itself, a share is a security that, roughly speaking, gives you the right to own part of an enterprise. Based on the profit received, the company will pay you dividends.

This is one of the disadvantages of buying shares - the amount of your income will not be stable.

It is customary to buy and sell shares on stock exchanges, so before investing your hundred thousand rubles, you will have to thoroughly study the market and monitor quotes.

Never rush when buying shares - weigh the pros and cons!

These are the most basic ideas where you can invest 100 thousand rubles to receive passive income. Do not forget to think through every step in this matter so as not to lose your money.

Option #3.

We invest 100 thousand rubles in creating our own business

This option to invest one hundred thousand is undoubtedly relevant, since every year the number of entrepreneurs who want to work for themselves increases.

To organize a successful enterprise, the available amount - 100 thousand rubles - will be enough. Such an investment is always advisable because it will help you reach a completely new level of living.

We will discuss promising business ideas, for the implementation of which 100 thousand rubles will be enough.

Business idea No. 1. Organization and holding of events.

An amount of 100 thousand rubles is enough for you not only to launch such a project, but also to promote it.

The idea has long been tested and is very popular today. This is due to the fact that people have recently preferred to entrust the organization of important events in their lives to professionals.

  • By implementing such a business idea, you can provide the following services: Determining the format of the celebration
  • Determining the location of the event– looking for a suitable establishment with an acceptable price policy.
  • Carrying out the holiday itself– services of toastmaster, presenter.
  • Room decor - you can decorate banquet halls, prepare arches for the ceremonial painting of newlyweds, decorate children's parties.
  • Rent of decor, costumes.

As you can see, the list of services that can bring profit is quite extensive. You can provide all of them or just some.

Here it is worth considering the geography of your business. If you are going to organize it in a small town, provide maximum services. But if you plan to develop this idea in a big city, choose a narrow specialization.

Let's consider a plan for the step-by-step organization of such a business:

You can host and organize a variety of events:

  • children holidays,
  • weddings
  • Birthday,
  • corporate events,
  • surprise parties

This business idea is not difficult to implement, and also not expensive. This is a good way to invest your hundred thousand rubles.

Business idea No. 2. Opening of a children's hairdresser.

Another idea that is at the peak of popularity. To create such a business, an amount of one hundred thousand rubles is quite enough.

Today, almost all ideas that are somehow related to children turn out to be profitable. And the children's hairdresser is no exception.

In order to organize such a business, you will need to invest one hundred thousand in the following expense items:

  1. Rent the premises in which the hairdressing salon will actually be located.
  2. Arrange it so that it looks exactly like a children's salon.
  3. Purchase the necessary equipment and tools.
  4. Conduct an advertising campaign.

In order for investments in such a business project to pay off faster, you can expand the range of services:

It's almost impossible to fail in a business like this.

You just need to position the product correctly and take into account small nuances:

  • It is best to organize a children's hairdresser in large shopping centers or (if we are not talking about small towns).
  • The room needs to be decorated in such a way that children want to come there.
  • It is worth hiring only qualified specialists for work, because working with children requires patience and accuracy.
  • Create your own website where you will inform people about your salon’s services and prices.
  • Don't forget about small gifts for young guests.

If you invest the first hundred thousand rubles in this business correctly, then in a few years you can organize a whole network of children's beauty salons.

Business idea No. 3. Sales of tropical fruits.

At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to organize such a business idea with a starting capital of one hundred thousand rubles, but this is not so. In fact, the demand for such fruits is quite high, but their supply in supermarkets is very small.

This is due to the fact that large supermarket chains, as a rule, are afraid to purchase large wholesale quantities of exotic fruits, since this is a considerable risk. The fruit may not be sold on time and the store will suffer significant losses.

You don’t need to buy goods from large enterprises at all. Contact suppliers who are willing to sell you small quantities of fruit. You can even find compatriots living, say, in Thailand for cooperation.

You can succeed in this business in this way:

  • Sell ​​fruits at retail by pre-order.
  • Form gift boxes from exotic fruits - now such baskets and bouquets are incredibly popular.
  • Organize tropical fruit fairs.

In any case, to organize such a business, you need your own website. While your profit is small, you can create it yourself on a free platform.

The free website creation platform UCoz is very popular:

This idea, of course, requires a lot of effort to implement. But with skillful promotion, it will definitely turn out to be profitable, and you will be able to invest your hundred thousand rubles wisely.

You have 100 thousand rubles and you don’t know where to invest them?

Business idea No. 4. Earning money from vending machines.

You don't see anyone with a vending machine these days. However, the idea of ​​investing money in this branch of business is still popular.

To buy one machine, you will need from 7 thousand rubles. But making money on one device will be quite problematic. Therefore, if your starting capital is one hundred thousand rubles, it is better to invest it in the purchase of several installations at once.

Such machines are used to sell various products:

  • chilled drinks,
  • tea and coffee,
  • snack products,
  • chewing gum,
  • newspapers and magazines.

Sales of flowers and French fries have also become new directions in the industry.

The chart below shows which vending machines are the most popular:

It is necessary to place vending machines in crowded places and, of course, based on the goods that will be sold in them.

Suitable locations for the location of vending machines are:

  • shopping centers,
  • educational institutions,
  • public transport stops,
  • office centers,
  • hospitals,
  • parks, zoos, establishments with attractions.

Before purchasing a vending machine, decide on where it will be installed. And then think about which machine will be most relevant there.

If you carefully calculate and organize everything, such a business will pay off within 12 months.

We looked at the 10 surest options, where to invest 100 thousand rubles, depending on what you want to get out of investing this money.

Whatever your initial capital, money should generate income or help make dreams come true.

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